Premiere Keyboard Shortcut For Razor Tool Mac

Premiere Keyboard Shortcut For Razor Tool Mac

EditSSnap feature – turn on or off
EditAlt / OptionUnlink Audio / Video [Holding down Alt Key while clicking on a linked clip will unlink the audio and video portion of it]
EditAlt + [Set begin workarea marker
EditAlt +]Set End workarea marker
EditVSelection Tool
EditCRazor or Cut tool
EditALT + Right / Left ArrowMove SELECTED clip, one frame at a time
EditSHIFT + DeleteRipple Delete
PlaybackSpacebarToggle Play Forward / Stop
PlaybackJPlay reverse
PlaybackLPlay forward
PlaybackKStop Play
PlaybackK+LPlay forward in slow motion. [Hold down K first and then Hold down L
PlaybackK+JPlay reverse in slow motion [Hold down K first and then hold down J]
PlaybackK+(L)Play forward one frame at a time [Hold down K, then press L for each frame to move forward]
PlaybackK+(J)plary reverse one frame at a time [Hold down K, then press J for each frame to move back]
Timeline (backslash)Resizes timeline to display entire project
TimelineHOMEMove to the beginning of the timeline
TimelineENDMove to the End of the timeline
TimelinePage UpMove to the beginning of current clip or earlier edit point
TimelinePage DownMove to the end of the current clip or next edit point
TimelineISet Inpoint
TimelineOSet Outpoint
TimelineQGo To Inpoint
TimelineWGo To Outpoint
Timeline* [Keypad]Adds Marker [Has to be asterisk key on numeric keypad and not shift + 8]
TimelineZZoom Tool (+ / – on keyboard to zoom in/out, not keypad)

Some of the great feature of Adobe Premiere Shortcuts are Automatic Video Creation, Powerful Video Editing, Sounds Great, Looks Great, Photo Motion, Easy to Share, Take it further, and many more. After learning this you might also have a look at Adobe Photoshop Shortcut keys. Customize Premiere Pro Keyboard Shortcuts. In our Premiere Pro keyboard shortcut round-up, we'll use Adobe's default shortcut combinations. But you can also completely customize the keyboard shortcuts thanks to Adobe's customization tool. Go to the Premiere Pro Keyboard Shortcuts option to open this menu. One helpful bonus to this tool is. Start studying Adobe Premiere Keyboard Shortcuts. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. When the Razor tool is activated, your mouse cursor looks like a razor blade instead of an arrow. There are so many more keyboard shortcuts available in Premiere Pro. You can even customize.

Modifier KeyKeyDescription of shortcut
EscapeCancel capture
FFast forward
TabNavigate through editable fields
DClear in point
FClear out point
GClear in and out points
Ctrl GGroup
Ctrl ShiftGUngroup
Ctrl RSpeed/duration
Ctrl Shift/Duplicate
Ctrl ASelect all
Ctrl ShiftADeselect all
Ctrl CCopy
ShiftDeleteRipple delete
Ctrl EEdit original
Ctrl FFind
Ctrl VPaste
Ctrl ShiftVPaste insert
Alt Ctrl VPaste attributes
Ctrl XCut
Ctrl ZUndo
Ctrl ShiftZRedo
Ctrl /New bin
Ctrl ShiftHSelection
Ctrl IImport
Alt Ctrl IImport from browser
Ctrl MExport Media
Ctrl NNew sequence
Alt Ctrl NNew project
Ctrl OOpen project
Alt Ctrl OBrowse in bridge
Ctrl QExit
Ctrl SSave
Ctrl ShiftSSave as
Alt Ctrl SSave a copy
Ctrl WClose
Ctrl ShiftWClose project
Ctrl ShiftHGet properties for selection
MMatch frame
QGo to in point
WGo to out point
F1Adobe premiere pro help
Ctrl 0Clear current sequence marker
Ctrl Shift0Clear current clip marker
Alt 0Clear all sequence markers

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Premiere Keyboard Shortcut For Razor Tool Mac Os

Premiere Keyboard Shortcut For Razor Tool Mac

Premiere Pro CC features additional helpful keyboard shortcuts. This is a list of Timeline Shortcuts that will speed up your video editing and let you work smarter.

I previously looked at time saving tips in Premiere Pro CS6here and here. In addition, Adobe Premiere Pro CC has added a lot of shortcuts to the Default keyboard settings, which saves you the time of adding them individually.

To clarify keyboard shortcuts: Mac users have Command & Option, PC users have Control & Alt. Sims 2 furniture downloads. The following shortcuts are written with Command & Option. Simply sub these keys out for Control & Alt on a PC.

All the Default Shortcuts for Premiere Pro CC are listed here.Let’s dive into some of the must know timeline shortcuts for Premiere Pro CC:

Premiere Keyboard Shortcut For Razor Tool Macbook

  1. Toggle Audio Scrub:
    Shift + S

    Sometimes you want to hear audio when you scrub, sometimes you don’t. Turning off scrubbing increases processing power.

  2. Toggle Trim Type:
    Control + T (Shift on PC)

    Toggles between standard trim (leaves a gap), ripple and roll.

  3. Ripple Trim:
    Next Edit – W , Previous Edit – Q

    Lets you trim the head or tail of a clip, a quick way to work.

  4. Slip Clip in Sequence:
    Option+ Command + left/right keys
    Add Shift to move 5 frames

    Changes the in and out points of the clip in the Premiere Pro timeline. Note, it doesn’t change the length of the clip.

  5. Slide Clip in Sequence:
    Option + , (left) or Option +. (right)
    Add Shift to move 5 frames

    Looks at 3 clips, slides the middle clip left or right. Thehe clips to the left/right adjust in length (the middle clip stays the same length).

  6. Add keyframes to Opacity/Volume:
    Command Click with Selection Tool

    This is quicker than switching to the pen tool to add keyframes and then switching back to the selection tool. If you don’t see the white line for opacity/volume, go to the wrench (Timeline Display Settings) and select “Show Video Keyframes” or “Show Audio Keyframes”. Wilson euphonium serial numbers.

  7. Nudge (move a clip up or down):
    Up or Down Arrows

    Hold Alt/Option to select just video or audio (or click the linked selection button), then use the up or down arrow. This will add tracks if they don’t already exist (similar to the FCP behavior)

  8. Nest:
    No Default (I use Option + C)
    Shift + T reveals clips in nest

    Select the clips you want to Nest, then press Option + C. Name the Nest a specific, useful name. Do not use the defaults. If I then wanted to step into the Nest I created, Shift + T will show me the original clips. I previously covered Nesting here.
  9. Edit Clip in Audition:
    No Default (I use Shift + A)

    You can right click on a clip to do this, but I use this a lot and this is quicker. This is a round-trip, in that you make your changes in Audition and they show up back in Premiere Pro. I have written on this in more detail here.

  10. Replace with After Effects Comp:
    No Default (I use Shift + E)

    You can also right click on a clip to this, but again I use this often and this Premiere Pro CC shortcut quicker. This is also a round-trip, in that you make your changes in After Effects and they show up back in Premiere Pro. Use this when you need to just send a clip to After Effects for something that cant be done in Premiere Pro (like Motion Tracking). If this is new to you, check the Adobe Help for more info.

  11. Group Clips:
    Command + G

    Select the clips you want to group and press Command + G. When you click on a clip in a group, they all turn grey (selected). Grouping allows you to move multiple clips as one clip.

    Some things to know about Groups in Premiere Pro:
    – If you click on the edge of a clip, it trims just that clip.
    – If you select the group first, clocking on an edge trims the group
    – Grouping will let you swap edit multiple clips as one clip.

  12. Add Edit:
    Command + K (for targeted tracks)

    Similar to using the Razor Tool, but it cuts tracks that are targeted (will cut all tracks that are targeted). To view your add edits in a Sequence, click the wrench icon and select “Show Through Edits”.

  13. Replace with Clip from Source:
    No Default (I use Shift + R)

    Replace Edits looks at where the playheads are in the Source & Sequence (ignoring the In and Out). I have a video tutorial on this here for more detail.

  14. Add Default Transitions to Selection:
    Shift + D

    This will apply the default transition to all selected clips. This shortcut now applies the transition to all clips. It didn’t work on the first and last clip in Premiere Pro CS6.

    Do you have Premiere Pro shortcuts that you can’t live without?
    Share your favorite Premiere shortcuts in the comments below!