Dataprocessing‐masshunter2019.docx 1 Sharing Data and Working with MassHunter Data Processing may be performed in the computer lab on the Win computers 13‐15 Supporting document: MS excel with mass calculator and template for polymer calculations Data Conversion. The Agilent format version of NIST (841010HP) is recommended primarily for most Agilent ChemStation/MassHunter users. It includes everything in the standard version plus the NIST EI library formatted in the Agilent.L library format for library searching directly from Agilent software (e.g. Data Analysis PBM search).
We have a separately purchased the NIST library that was intended to be used with GCxGC software. I am trying to use the same version of the NIST library with MassHunter version B.06.00 that did not come with its own copy of the NIST library.
I added the NIST library in the 'Method Editor: Search Unit Mass Library' window by specifying its path. However, it does not work and does not generate the compound identification results. However, if I manually send a spectrum individually to NIST library it finds a match. Obviously, the later practice is very time-consuming if you are screening an environmental sample.
Anybody have a solution?
Thanks in advance!
Agilent Gcms Masshunter User Manual
Jul 15, 2019 Basic Hunter Education instructor manual Here are the lessons required to meet the basic hunter education curriculum standards adopted by the IHEA-USA and the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies These 22 lessons cover all 54 student learning objectives outlined in the IHEA-USA Hunter Education Standards document. Manual Part Number G3335-90142 Edition Revision A, November 2012 Printed in USA Agilent Technologies, Inc. Motorola cm200 programming software download. 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95051. This guide applies to the Agilent Mass-Hunter Workstation Software – Data Acqui-sition program for TOF and Q-TOF version. Employed in the NIST MS 2.0 search software. However, libraries must be available in the MassHunter binary.L format and the proper library selected from the Method Explorer/Identify ompounds/Search Unit Mass Library menu. E sure to take advantage of the ability to automatically subtract ackground Spectra within MassHunter in manual searches.